Christian Life Week – Yeppoon
23 – 27 September 2024
10:30am Monday- 12:00pm Friday
Grades 6-12
PCYC Yeppoon
170 Matthew Flinders, Yeppoon Queensland 4703
$490 per camper
Registrations open 1 June – 1 September 2024. Camper places may fill earlier.
Family discount: $60 discount per camper for two or more camper siblings living at the same address and booked in the same cart for the same season made possible by the very generous bequest from the late and legendary Mark Grieshaber.
Financial Support: Financial support is available if you are unable to afford to pay the full cost of camp. Please see the financial support tab under the Other Details section at the bottom of the page for more information.
For confirmed leaders, please use your username and password to register for camp here:
Christian Life Week (CLW) is a five-day camp for high school aged students that is centred on an unforgettable experience of faith, friendship, and fun. CLW is a chance for teenagers to escape the everyday, have a stack of good clean fun and discover more about what it means to be a Christian.
Director Profiles
Josh & Taylor Pukallus
Hola! We’re Josh and Taylor Pukallus and we have the privilege of being your CQ CLW Directors for 2024. CQ Christian Life Week is something we’re both super passionate about after having both experienced just what an incredible impact it can have on your faith first-hand as campers ourselves (Josh first attended CLW as a camp kid waaaayyy back in 2004 and Taylor started as a camper in 2012). We’ve slowly moved up in the ranks over time and 2024 will be our 5th year directing camp together.
We live on a farm south of Emerald and worship at St John’s Lutheran Church, Emerald. Josh is grain farmer and drone pilot by day and in his spare time you’ll find him mucking with his 3D printer, playing computer games with friends or making (and drinking) coffee. Taylor spends her 9-5 working in graphic design and marketing and loves reading, cooking and admiring the sunset on a walk or run outside of work.
What we love most about CQ Christian Life Week is the incredible bunch of kids and leaders that we have come back to camp year after year and the life-long friendships that are formed as a result. It’s the most welcoming, encouraging, laid-back and fun atmosphere to be a part of for a week. We can’t wait to welcome you all into the CQ camp family in 2024. See you there!
Want to know what to expect on an amazing week at CLW?
Each of our six popular CLW camps have their own flavour and activities that are run throughout the week. Our amazing team of CLW leaders each year create an exciting program full of fun activities and spend time as a group talking about life and the study topic. The below timeline is a basic structure of what to expect during the week.
- Arrival
- Get to know you games
- Lunch
- Get to know you games
- Small groups/ warm fuzzy games
- Dinner
- Large group game
Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday
- Worship/ small groups/ quiet time
- Lunch
- Large group activity/ challenge afternoon/ solitude
- Small groups/ warm fuzzy games
- Dinner
- Large group activity/ Challenge Night/ Theme Night
- Breakfast
- Worship/ small groups/ quiet time
- Lunch
- Depart.
We are also happy to answer any question you may have, so give us a call today on 3511 4080, email us at or jump on our Facebook page
Every camp has a directorship team, and a balanced team of male and female leaders. All leaders must complete a thorough application process. They are passionate about creating a high-quality camp experience and are trained to ensure it is a safe and fun experience. Many of our leaders have experienced what a life-changing difference these camps make as a camper and want to come back to serve the next generation!
Other Details
Church subsidy
St John’s Lutheran Church, Emerald Subsidy: $200 discount per camper. Thanks to the amazing generosity of the St John’s Emerald congregation, each camper will receive a $200 discount off the cost of camp. To access this funding, please enter the CODE: RWPG in the ‘Sponsorship’ section on your booking.
Payment Plan
We are more than happy to help make coming to camp a reality. Please contact us to talk about your personal situation and organise a payment plan. To secure your booking, we do ask that an initial 10 percent deposit is made at the time of booking.
Buchholz Estate Scholarship Fund
The Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District (LCAQD) can provide financial assistance to eligible individuals to attend a Lutheran Youth of Queensland camp. To be eligible to apply, applicants must live within the boundaries of the Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District, be unable to pay camp registration fees and be of secondary school age.
Lutheran Women of Queensland
Thanks to the generous grant from the Lutheran Women of Queensland to support our camping ministry, LYQ can provide financial assistance to eligible individuals to attend a Lutheran Youth of Queensland camp.
People will be eligible for assistance if they:
- are unable to pay full camp registration fees and
- are in grades 3-6 and therefore eligible to attend a LYQ ‘camp’
For more information and to apply, please contact us at or (07) 3511 4080.
Mark Grieshaber Legacy Fund
In 2018 we were blessed to receive a generous bequest from Mark Grieshaber. Mark (Greezy) Grieshaber was an active part of the Lutheran Youth of Queensland community for over three decades until his death in late 2017. Mark involvement started as a participant at our events but mostly he was involved as a volunteer leader for our holiday camps, particularly serving as our camp bus driver. Mark’s passion to support young people meant he often attended multiple events every year and although Mark’s involvement goes beyond our archived records we know he attended more than 130 different events! Those of us who were blessed to serve alongside Mark will remember his selfless leadership and care for others, and his passionate worship singing!
In consultation with Mark’s family we’re thrilled to be able to use Mark’s generous legacy to offer a $60 sibling discount for our holiday camps. Mark had a deep passion for youth ministry and dedicated many voluntary hours to leading on camp and transporting campers to, from and during camp.
Commitment to Child Safety
Lutheran Youth of Queensland is committed to child safety and our practices are guided by the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and Queensland’s Eight Mandatory Requirements. We have zero tolerance for child abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns are taken seriously and responded to according to our policies and procedures. This includes a child centered approach to responding to incidents and allegations, and the reporting of concerns, not matter how small, to the relevant authorities. We ask that you support us in this by highlighting ways that we can improve our practice and by reporting any concerns you might have to the relevant authorities.
We have some awesome t-shirts, hoodies and caps available for purchase.
Peace in my troubled seas T-shirt: $25 (inc. GST). Selected sizes are available and can be selected when booking in for camp. To check out the design, sizes and measurements of the t-shirt, click here.
Peace in my troubled seas Hoodie: $45 (inc. GST). Selected sizes are available and can be selected when booking in for camp. To check out the design, sizes and measurements of the t-shirt, click here.
God is Bigger than the Highs and Lows Design T-shirt: $25 (inc. GST). Selected sizes are available and can be selected when booking in for camp. To check out the design, sizes and measurements of the t-shirt, click here.
God is Bigger than the Highs and Lows Design Hoodie: $45 (inc. GST). Selected sizes are available and can be selected when booking in for camp. To check out the design, sizes and measurements of the t-shirt, click here.
Light Up The World Design T-shirt: $25 (inc. GST). Selected sizes are available and can be selected when booking in for camp. To check out the brand new design, sizes and measurements of the t-shirt, click here.
Light Up The World Design Hoodie: $45 (inc. GST). Selected sizes are available and can be selected when booking in for camp. To check out the design, sizes and measurements of the hoodie, click here.
He Restores My Soul Design Hoodie: $45 inc. GST). Selected sizes are available and can be selected when booking in for camp. To check out the design, sizes and measurements of the hoodie click here.
LYQ Camps Water Bottle: $5 (inc. GST).