Christian Life Week - Coolum A


24-28 June 2024


10:30am Monday- 12:00pm Friday


Grades 7-12


Luther Heights Youth Camp
1592 David Low Way
Coolum Beach QLD 4573

$405 per camper for the first 20 registrations

$450 per camper standard price

Registrations open 1 April- 9 June 2024. Camper places may fill earlier.

Family discount: $60 discount per camper for two or more camper siblings living at the same address and booked in the same cart for the same season made possible by the very generous bequest from the late and legendary Mark Grieshaber.

Financial Support: Financial support is available if you are unable to afford to pay the full cost of camp. Please see the financial support tab under the Other Details section at the bottom of the page for more information.

For confirmed leaders, please use your user name and password to register for camp here:

Christian Life Week (CLW) is a five-day camp for high school aged students that is centred on an unforgettable experience of faith, friendship, and fun. CLW is a chance for teenagers to escape the everyday, have a stack of good clean fun and discover more about what it means to be a Christian.  

Every year up to five CLWs take place throughout South-East and Central Queensland during the June-July and September- October School Holidays.  Each camp is run by a team of experienced and passionate leaders with stacks of fun planned for the week. 

Generally, the program will contain worship, small groups, games, various activities and personal challenges, with individual camps taking on a unique flavour, dependent upon location, camp facilities, leadership team and size of the camp. 

Check out our Winter Kids Camp Coolum for Year 3-6 which will run 26-30 June alongside first week CLW camps.

Contact us:

If you have any further questions about camp, please give our friendly team in the office a call on (07)3511 4080.

Other Details