We want to...
- Make it easy to learn & lead with LYQ.
- Increase our cyber-security protection.
- Create easy payment options for customers.
- Help customers find information easily.
- Enhance the LYQ experience for every user.
- Provide clear and easy communication.
- Welcome and grow amazing volunteers.
- Streamline bookings with personalized service.
Together, we are....
- Undertaking 12 months of critical digital transformation.
- Implementing a professional CRM and financial package.
- Developing a brand new website for LYQ.
- Needing to raise more than $100,000 to do this work as soon as possible.
- Seeking your donation and financial support to help make it happen.
- Asking you to Donate Now via our interim website.
Explore | Discover | Thrive
LYQ is deeply committed to supporting young people to explore, discover and thrive.
Explore, Discover, Thrive are all verbs that are dynamic in learning, growth and the developmental journey of a young person, the families and congregations we serve, and all LYQ team members, as life-long learners.
Young people explore.
They are curious. Young brains are naturally gifted with neuroplasticity, fuelled by inquisitive and explosive thoughts and experiences as their neural pathways connect and their brain grows. Young people could be seen as dreamers and idealistic, but their dreams and hopes expressed in exploring the moment are also future focused. Exploring life with friends, who are their oxygen, young people are deeply empathetic, caring, and curious about everything, especially spirituality, and their world where everything is connected.

Young people discover.
Young people have a growth mind-set. They filter millions of pieces of complex information each day, most of it not by choice. They live fully in our shared world, with the good, the bad, and the ugly,…and they can’t unsee it!
Young people are reflective learners and make meaning from who they are with, how we are with them and what this looks, sounds, and feels like.
Through our collective provision of safe places to ask, ask again and even again, to fully explore rich questions about life and faith, young people have opportunity to authentically discover real meaning and purpose in life through Christ.
Young people thrive.
As life-long learners, life-wide learners and life-deep learners, young people are constantly becoming and emerging. Exploration and discovery are critical in the life of a young person.
Young people are discerning and through observation and experience, they are intuitively learning the adults in our community. It is our responsibility to help young people to;
- explore and discover their identity in Christ alone,
- explore and discover that they are fully known and fully loved by God through word alone,
- explore and discover that in and through unconditional love by grace alone and faith alone, they can thrive.
As God’s unconditional love comes to each of us and works through each of us, young people have the opportunity to be bathed in this grace through safe and rich experiential learning.